Saturday, November 12, 2005

'Jarhead' Review

I'm posting this in case you (whomever you are) have the same problem I did after seeing Jarhead.

What was that movie about?

Answer: it's the new new war movie.

As far as I'm concerned, the original war movie was shot in black and white, and starred John Wayne. It was created to be a story that reinforced all the 'positive' reasons this country goes to war, and ends on an uplifting note. Patton is a great example of this. Oh, and it's a great movie.

The "new" war movie deals with the psychological effects of war on individual soldiers. Go see Apocolypse Now or Full Metal Jacket.

So what's the new new war movie? It demonstrates the psychological effects of going to war, and not killing anyone. Years of training and placement, while pulling the trigger once while the enemy is in the sights.

Make sense? Comment at me.


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